The Wayenor Saga

The Wayenor Saga

by Sasha Miller

A Thrilling New Fantasy Trilogy

The Countess of Wayenor Wayenor Besieged Wayenor's Children

The Countess of Wayenor

Wayenor Besieged Wayenor'Children
Years of chaos are coming to an end. Kallendia’s Castles, the principality’s main means of defense, are slowly being rid of the bandits and villains who overran them. A few promising warriors, male and female alike, are named to the knighthood and offered the chance to win back a Castle. Victors will be granted the title of Count—or Countess—as part of the Prince’s new policy of total equality between the sexes. The challenges are immense, but the rewards could be great. If Vannessa can wrest the town and Castle of Wayenor from the grip of the thieving brigand Black Mayr, then she will claim the title of The Countess of Wayenor. To be a victor in battle is one matter. To rule wisely is something else entirely. Vannessa quickly discovers that it is not enough to win a battle, a castle—or a lover. Then comes the greater challenge: to hold on to the prizes she has won, to protect them, to make them stronger. But how can Vannessa win out over her enemies and defend those closest and dearest to her when deception and cruelty make it impossible to tell friend from foe—or loved one from betrayer? It is all the more difficult when enemy and friend are trapped inside Wayenor Besieged. It falls to each new generation to carry on from the work of those who have gone before--and, more often than not, to pay in blood and treasure for the mistakes of their forebears. The mere passage of time has not made Wayenor safe, and questions of rights and succession, loyalty and honor, are never settled once and for all. Vannessa must battle for herself, for her castle, and for the preservation of her sovereign's kingdom—or else there will be very little left worth inheriting for Wayenor's Children.
ISBN-13: 978-1-936771-53-0 • Trade Paperback
$12.99 • 330 Pages
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ISBN-13: 978-1-936771-59-2 • Trade Paperback
$12.99 • 340 Pages
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ISBN-13: 978-1-936771-62-2 • Trade Paperback
$13.99 • 380 Pages Trade Paperback
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